The phrase “love struck” can now be said in a literal sense for those who purchase Japanese lingerie company Ravijour’s new smart bra. True Love Tester – a high-tech bra that works via a heart-rate sensor and Bluetooth – is said to be capable of gauging a woman’s interest in another person by measuring the change in her heart rate. The True Love Tester works similarly to a modern chastity belt – If your heart rate exceeds a certain value, the bra will unlock and welcome the passion that follows. If it does not however, the wearer should be prepared for a lonely night in bed.
The creators explained that when a person falls in love they feel an instant boost in excitement that is unlike any other feeling. “The adrenal medulla secretes catecholamine, which affects the automatic nerve and stimulates the heart rate.” The fashionable bra analyzes the change in heart rate and sends the results to your mobile phone via Bluetooth. Depending on the analysis, the bra’s front hook will either releases automatically or lock up. There are no clues as to when the bra will be available, or for how much.
While the idea of such a contraption is definitely intriguing, my Women’s Radar sees potential for huge embarrassment and awkwardness. What if you are not ready for the man of your dreams to know he is the man of your dreams? How does the wearer remove the bra so she can shower or change? What if you have mixed feelings about someone? Will the app take that into account or will it be off with your bra?
Women’s Radar:
“That seems like a terrible idea – imagine walking up to your husband at a restaurant and the bra snaps, going PING!? So much for playing hard to get,” said Maegan, a newlywed from Sacramento, CA.
“Can we get the panties also,” asked Jeanette, a mother of a 16 year-old girl. She added, “It is not an application for your teenage daughter because how would you enforce that? It is an application for woman who want to be sure before giving away the cow.”
“I think it would be cool to have a device to reassure you that the feelings you have are for real before taking that big step,” said Macie, Jeanette’s 16-year old daughter.”
Source: CNet