In the world we live in today, consumers rely heavily on reviews from others before they decide what they want to purchase. This goes for technology, books and even applications. Our social world has gone mobile. This is extremely important for application developers to understand as they look into marketing and monetizing their applications.
In a sea of over one million apps on the Google Play Store, it can be tough to truly make your application stand out. Sometimes, when looking for android app marketing and promotion, it is best to bring the focus out of the Play Store. One of the main steps on the way to having a successful Android application is to look into application reviews. There are many different places that an application developer can go for app reviews. One of the places that an Android developer can go to for help with a review is an Android based website. There are many websites out there that will willingly review applications. Some of these websites focus solely on application reviews, whereas other websites focus on Android based news as well as reviews.
According to Priya Viswanathanon, there are many options to look at when searching for a place to review applications. The websites that Viswanathan recommends are all dedicated to Android app reviews. These websites are generally dedicated to informing customers on app updates, reviews and the discovery of new and upcoming apps. Sites like these can help a developer promote their app, however they are not as commonly visited as a website that deals with Android news.
As previously mentioned, Android app review websites are not the only places to go for app reviews. A developer can choose to market their app through an Android based news site, as well. Android based news sites may have different end goals than app review sites, but they are still extremely useful when marketing. Android based news sites will generally bring in more traffic, due to their broad subject matter. Because of the extra traffic generated by news, Android based news sites can help a developer market their app better. In many cases, this is a very important factor in deciding where to seek promotion for an application.
It is important to look at a couple of different factors when you, as a developer, are looking for a site to review your application. Android Headlines offers an extensive android app review for $249. Android Headlines has over 1 million readers monthly who browse the site daily for the newest news and the best applications. The app review will be shared on popular social networking sites, and it will also show up on the Android Headlines front page for near two weeks for additional exposure. The developer of the application also has the ability to look over the review before it is finalized and published.
Marketing an application needs to be taken very seriously. A developer should look into finding the right website that suits their application best for reviews. It is an important part of gaining attention and can lead to further partnerships and marketing down the line. Developers should be sure that they choose the option that can best suits the needs of their application.