For a while now we’ve been hearing that Samsung’s phones all look the same, which they kind of do. I’ll admit, I’m not the biggest fan of Samsung. In fact the last Samsung phone I bought was the Galaxy S3. Now way back when the Galaxy S launched, I almost grabbed it. It was actually the Samsung Epic 4G on Sprint that I was going to grab. But after checking it out in-store, I didn’t really like the software or the hardware of the Epic 4G, so I decided to go to the HTC EVO 4G. Then came the Galaxy S2, or the Samsung Epic 4G Touch on Sprint, which I did actually pick up. I was satisfied with it, but I did sell it shortly after for the Galaxy Nexus. Man was that a bad decision. So what I’m saying here, is that just because I don’t necessarily love Samsung, it doesn’t mean I hate them, or better yet have never tried them. I’ve owned three of their phones, the Epic 4G Touch, Captivate and the Galaxy S3. I won’t count the Galaxy Nexus since that was technically a Google phone.
The Galaxy S5 was announced earlier this week. Now a lot of people are saying it looks a lot like the Galaxy S4 and S3. Which is true to an extent. And we said the same thing yesterday. But what I didn’t think about was Sony. Which Droid Life was talking about on their podcast earlier this week. Sony’s phones have looked relatively the same since, forever. I mean look at the Xperia Z line of phones. They all look exactly the same, except for the Xperia ZL. But do we complain about their devices? We sure don’t, other than the fact that they almost never come to the US. So why are we hating on Samsung for putting out a new flagship that resembles the former flagship? Others are doing it as well, look at Apple.
So basically what I’m saying is that if you’re going to hate on Samsung for keeping the same design and changing up just a few aspects of that design, you’ll need to hate on the other OEMs out there doing the same thing. Like Sony and Apple. Anyone else agree with me?