There’s plenty to talk about with the sale of Motorola to Lenovo, from what it means for the future of the American Smartphone manufacturer to the reasons Google bought them in the first pace, and everyone seems to have an opinion, including Apple’s CEO Tim Cook. Statements made by Cook in an interview with the Wall Street Journal are really little more than trash talk, but they at least raise some good talking points. He makes a statement saying that he “wasn’t surprised” at all that Google chose to sell off Motorola to Lenovo, going so far as to say that Google wasn’t committed to Motorola. Further comments take shots at Google’s ability to link their services and products together, when Cook stated, that “it’s really hard to do hardware, software, and services, and then to link them all together”. It’s clear that with statements like these that Tim Cook doesn’t consider Google’s line of Nexus devices as being part of this “elite” capability to merge those three things. He does however make note that Apple is special in this way because they are able to do something that Google “can’t”.
Other than making claims that Google doesn’t know how to link their products and services, Tim Cook also comments on the quality experience(or lack there of according to Cook) that a user might have with an Android tablet, saying that it’s “so crappy” because of the lack of tablet optimized apps. To some this may hold true, but to many others who love the experience on their Android tablets, it’s nothing more than a statement filled with discontent for a competitor. Although it may be true that Android has less Tablet optimized apps, many users more than likely can’t tell the difference. Cook’s description of the Android tablet experience is merely opinion and one that many people likely share, but an equal number of users surely must feel differently about their own experience with Android tablets.
Other comments from Cook revolve around Google’s acquisition of Nest, stating that he and Apple both feel that buying large companies simply for the sake of “being big” and buying them is not what Apple wants or believes in. They are not against buying a large company, they simply care more about buying one that is fit right for them. What do you think about Google buying Nest, and how do you feel about your experience with your own Android tablets? Do you feel there need to more Tablet Optimized apps? Can you tell the difference in the first place? Let us know what you think in the comments.