CyanogenMod Releases Unified CM11 Nightly Builds for the Moto X, Moto G, and Verizon's Moto DROID Devices

If you own a Motorola device and you’ve been waiting for CM11 custom ROM builds, your wait is over. CyanogenMod Inc has made nightly builds of CM11 available for more than 9 Motorola devices. They’re handling things a little differently with these builds though, so you’ll have to make sure that you get it right. There are three nightly builds up right now, covering most of the recent (and not so recent) Motorola devices out there. The Moto G is called the Falcon, and the nightly build for that should work with all versions of the Moto G that are out right now.

The ‘moto_msm8960’ nightly builds are for older Motorola devices like the Atrix HD, the Razr M, the Droid Razr HD, and the Photon Q. If your device is running on a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 chip, you’ll want the moto_msn8960 builds. Lastly, the ‘moto_msm8960dt’ nightly ROMs are for all variants of the Moto X, and for Verizon’s current Motorola line up. That’s the Droid Ultra, the Droid Maxx, and the Droid Mini; any of the newer dual-core S4 Pro chipsets. If you’re going to jump into these CM11 nightly builds, make sure you get the correct one for your device. You don’t want to end up bricking your phone.

Some users are questioning the reason for making these available in the first place. It’s a valid question. The current lineup of Motorola devices are almost stock Android, with some of Motorola’s great apps added in. By switching to CM11, you’ll lose the features on the Moto X and current Verizon Droid phones like Active Notifications and Touchless Control. These really set the device apart and users swear by them. CM11 is great, but are you really willing to give up the features that might have brought you to the Moto X in the first place? Now, for older Motorola devices like the Photon Q, CM11 could breathe new life into your aging phone. These older phones may still be running the old version of MotoBlur. If that’s the case, what are you waiting for? Get away from that mess as soon as you can and get some CM11 on your devices. As always, be careful and keep in mind that you take full responsibility when you start tinkering with your phone. Have fun!