We’re all Google fanboys here right? Well we kind of have to be since we use probably every Google service that’s still in existence. Today we’ve got some good news. According to Bloomberg, it appears that Google has surpassed Exxon Mobile to become the second most valuable company in the US. So who’s number one? Who else but Apple. Bloomberg’s data shows us that Exxon Mobile is worth $392.6 billion, Google at $393.5 billion and Apple at a whopping $465.5 billion. So Google still has quite a ways to go before they pass up Apple. But at the rate Apple and Google are going, that may happen sooner than we think.
What is surprising here though, is that Microsoft is number four on the list with just a worth of $302.1 billion. Back in 2011, Apple took the crown from Exxon Mobile to become the most valuable company in America, and they haven’t looked back.
On the other hand, Google started out as just a simple search engine. Co-Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin found a better way to sift through all the information available on the web. Which back then was nowhere near the amount that’s on the internet now. Since then, Google has added many more services and products, but why? Well their biggest money maker is ads. In fact they own 41% of the US digital-ad market. So they get more people using more of their services, means more money for Google, which is how they’ve grown to be one of the most valuable companies in the world. Of course, a big part of Google being worth so much, is Android. Not because they make money on Android, but because it brings more people into the Google ecosystem which in-turn brings more people into their ad network.
It’s great to see Google now the number two most valuable company in the US. It shows us how popular the tech industry really is, when three out of the top four most valuable companies in the US are tech companies (Apple, Google, and Microsoft). So how long before Google overtakes Apple as the most valuable company?