HTC Needs To Update Sprint EVO 4G LTE In A Special Way

Carrier specific phones have been around for quite a while.  My first phone, the Samsung Galaxy Epic 4G Touch, was Sprint’s unique variant of the popular Galaxy SII.  Sprint seems to be the popular carrier to release unique phones.  Their unique HTC phone, the EVO 4G LTE is currently facing a very odd problem… there is not a large enough partition on the phone to extract the OTA for the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update that is expected to be released sometime later this month.  So what this means is that HTC is going to have to attempt something that is entirely new for them.  What they are going to do is create what they are calling a ‘simple process’ to update the EVO 4G LTE for the more advanced users.  While HTC is keeping very hush-hush about the process they will be employing to provide this update, but what we expect is that they will be packaging it as an RUU file for folks to download and flash the update manually, which is ironically what I did to update my E4GT to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean when it came out.  HTC started a trial for any of you EVO 4G LTE users who want an early start on this action but it would appear to be closed down now, as attempts to email them to enter the ‘beta’ have been rejected because the email is now restricted.

I give HTC some major bonus points for attempting to update this phone, especially since some people will be turned off to the update due to the fact that they will need to flash it themselves, should our inclination be true.  Since they are making the customers go through these loops for now, it is perfectly possible that this is the final update that the phone could ever see.  While I do not own the phone, all the EVO 4G LTE owners should be pumped for this update.  Are you the proud owner of this phone?  Let us know how excited you are for this update in the comments down below, assuming you have not already rooted your device and flashed a more modern version of Android on it already!