HTC Now Exploring Updating the One X to KitKat

Now, we already know that HTC has probably one of the worst track record with updates and keeping their older devices updated. Case in point, the HTC One X. HTC started out today’s AMA on Reddit by stating that they know they don’t have the best track record with Android updates. But they are planning on changing that. According to HTC, they are going to be supporting their flagships with major Android versions for 2 years after they are released. Now that’s great to hear, but we want to see that in action, right? We’ve heard HTC say before that they are getting serious about updates and in 2013/14 we definitely did see a huge change in that area. As they were able to push out KitKat within 90 days (well they technically missed their deadline by a couple days).

But the other side of the coin is that the HTC One X has been announced to be done with receiving updates and it will remain on Android 4.3. Which is kind of a bummer since it’s not quite 2 years old, even though it was announced at Mobile World Congress 2012. The reason, is because NVIDIA isn’t supporting that Tegra 3 chip anymore, making it tough to update it. However, after all the feedback from HTC One X users, the company is now announcing that they are “actively exploring” upgrading the HTC One X to Android 4.4 KitKat. That is amazing. And definitely one of the great things that HTC could do.

There’s no word on it being out just yet, or even them actively working  on it. It seems like they are actually just taking a look and seeing how well it will run on the HTC One X. Which it should run great since KitKat was made to run on devices with as little as 512MB of RAM. HTC has just made things interesting again. Now, what about the HTC M8? When is that coming out? Hopefully they spill the beans, but don’t hold your breathe.