After seeing plenty of leaked images of the supposed upcoming HTC flagship, the HTC M8, it seems that HTC(and the internet) has us all peaked to see what HTC truly has to offer with their upcoming handset follow up to last years popular HTC One smartphone. Some have gawked at and pined for the new design of Blink Feed, others are buzzing over the addition of a Dual-Lens camera paired with the Dual-LED flash on the back. Even the rumor about the fingerprint sensor seems to be getting some attention. There hasn’t been much talk about where the next flagship phone from HTC would be going though when it comes to service providers, but this new leaked information suggests the possibility that it could be going to at least three of the four major U.S. carriers, and that we might see it on T-Mobile, Verizon, and At&t in the near future. This is all of course dependent on if the phone listed within this Bluetooth SIG is actually the HTC M8.
The document that appeared at the Bluetooth SIG website shows that they recently approved an HTC handset. The name of it is listed as the 0P6BXXX / HTC 6525LVW, which gives us no real detail about what handset it is, but past leaked information has referred to the M8 with this particular code before. A previous recent post from @evleaks referred to the M8 as 0P6B, which is the same code that has popped up at the Bluetooth SIG. HTC has neither confirmed nor denied that this is their successor to the HTC One, but it would seem rather odd to have separate devices being referred to with the same model number. As the Bluetooth SIG listing displays, three carriers here in the U.S. have been certified to pick up the device. And those carriers are the one’s we listed above. There was mention of Sprint, so we have no idea if the device will just not end up being released with the carrier or if it will just take some extended time before that happens. What do you think about this information from the Bluetooth SIG listing? Does this seem to be the HTC M8?