Twitter To Make Changes To The Timeline System Moving Forward

Twitter. The social network is making leaps and bounds as of late. Finally becoming a company that can make money was a big step. Most of us are familiar with Twitter, the 140-character status update giant that has allowed many companies and individuals to post news, updates, information and even photos for everyone to see. I would say that Twitter has done well as of late, but it has run into some issues at the same time. .

The company has been having some problems with growing its user base. This has a direct effect on Twitter’s ability to get the media they put out in the hands of the people who desire to consume it. This is disappointing as Twitter has had a fall in growth in the membership area. But, Twitter’s CEO Dick Costolo has a plan. A plan to reverse the issues Twitter has with growing its base and turn it around. One could say that Twitter is in need of a solution and its CEO claims to have one. He has laid out a 2014 roadmap detailing the direction he wishes the company to take. However, this path will have Twitter going out of the norm and trying to get into the hands of even more users. How does Costolo plan to do this? By revising the company’s approach to messaging and showing media that is outside the timestamp stream Twitter is known for. Costolo states, “One of our core values as a company is to reach every person on the planet.” In order to do this, Twitter is going to have to make some changes that will alter how it looks and works now as opposed to the future. We can allude to this because of some of the goals outlined by Costolo in the following quote.

“We will continue to invest to make Twitter a better tool for conversation, both public and private. The conversational use case is a daily habit already for many of our users already, and we believe that by building features that enhance conversations and messaging, we will help attract more users to the platform and deepen the engagement of those we already have. We want to do a better job of organizing content for our users around topic lines rather than just chronological lines. We believe that topic-based discovery on our platform will make Twitter easier to understand and use for everyone.”

After reading the above it becomes clear that Costolo is looking to make a change to the timeline system that they have been known for in an effort to drive current users to take more advantage of Twitter and at the same time bring in more users. This step, if put into effect, will be critical and needed. Twitter needs to change some things in order to stay relevant to the masses. It would appear that Costolo is on the right track to keep his company moving forward. We will see how he puts these goals into motion. What do you think about Costolo’s ideas and goals? Will they work, or no? Leave your interesting comments in the section below or on our Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus pages.