The Voice Control Feature For Chrome OS Is Under Development

Ever since we have been able to do basic commands with our voice to our mobile devices, people have been finding out ways to utilize this to the max.  The first device I had that could use voice control was my Samsung Epic 4G Touch with its appropriately named ‘Voice Commands’ app.  Now, voice commands have accelerated quickly in the mobile world.  At first, no one could come close to the popularity and basic functionality of iOS’s Siri, but Google soon killed that standing by releasing Google Now, which was their own, and arguably better, version of Siri.  Then the software began to catch up to the idea.  On Google’s Nexus 5, if you say the ‘hotwords’ “OK Google” (or some funny ones that were added for humor, like “OK Jarvis”) you can access the functionality of Google Now with only your voice.  The Moto X does one better, allowing you to access that functionality even while the phone is locked, simply by saying the hotwords.

Google’s Chrome OS, while relatively new by PC OS standards, has been growing very quickly.  The OS allows you to access different ‘channels’ of it, called the Stable (the active official version), the Developer (not official, kind of like a beta), and Canary (very unstable, like an alpha) channel.  Activating the Canary channel, you can see what Google is working on for future official releases.  The basic functionality of Google Now was included in a recent Dev build, so we figured it was only a matter of time for some basic voice control.  We were correct.  Will Greene, a ‘Canary channel ninja’, revealed to omgchrome that it is possible after triggering the voice search feature in the App Launcher, to open files by name.  He also discovered that you can add a ‘.com’ suffix to a voiced item and it will open the appropriate website.  An example of this would be to go into the App Launcher, say “OK Google”, and then say “androidheadlines dot com”.

Unfortunately, the biggest problem with Canary builds of Chrome OS is that we do not know when, or even if, the changes will make their way to the Dev and Stable builds of the OS.  Should Google be putting their resources towards this. or is this a pointless gimmick for their Chromebooks?  Let us know that any other thoughts down below in the comments!

Source:  omgchrome