Android Gamer Weekly 03/09/14: Dead Trigger 2, Angry Birds, Xbox One Smartglass, Rochard, Humble mobile Bundle 4

Dead Trigger 2 Arena Update On It’s Way

It’s that time again. The time for Madfinger Games to ready another update for their famed zombie shooter Dead Trigger 2. Earlier in the week they threw out a teaser with a video about their upcoming Arena update, and if you haven’t seen it you should definitely give it a look. It only lasts about thirty seconds, but that’s more than enough time to get us hyped up. Hopefully you can last longer than that inside the Arena once the update goes live. The Arena will be just like it sounds. You’ll be thrown into a closed space and will have to fend off wave after wave of zombies to stay alive. It should be quite the kick. The teaser was tossed out on the 6th which was just three days ago, so keep checking your app updates list to see when it goes live.http://youtu.be/zTZMuxTrTlY

A New Angry Birds Game Is In The Works According To This Teaser Video

Rovio might be asking Angry Birds fans to suit up in this upcoming game, as the teaser video they recently threw out spends most of it’s time focusing on all the angles of a suit of armor, only to end with the camera showing the helmet lifting up to reveal the red bird who leaps out at the screen in typical fashion. We don’t know any details about the game other then what we see, and that the game will apparently be launching in Canada and Australia first before reaching the rest of the globe. Our interests are piqued. What about you?http://youtu.be/-6Nh92eGP8I

Microsoft Updates Their Xbox One Smartglass App, Introduces Push Notification

Are you an Xbox One owner? If you answered yes, then you probably want to make sure and download the latest version of the Xbox One smartglass app for Android, or if you already have the app installed it would be wise to update and take advantage of the new features. The biggest change is arguably the push notifications, so you’ll never miss a message from online friends who want to play. Other feature adds and improvements include being able to close snapped apps on your Xbox One, a friends list that displays your favorites first, and a dedicated hub for your gameDVR clips. To use the app you have to be on a device running at least Android 4.0. You can grab the app from the Play Store by hitting the jump.

A New Tegra Exclusive Game Shows Up On Google Play, Enter Rochard

If you own a tegra 4 powered device you might want to go and check out the newest tegra 4 exclusive title called Rochard. This amazing looking platformer boasts some awesome graphics, and has plenty of content to keep you entertained. Rochard is a plat former that will task you with solving some puzzles and following a gameplay format fairly similar to that of The Cave from doublefine. It has five extensive chapters jam-packed with action. It has loads of items to help you on your quest, a great little game soundtrack and a humorous narration to the game that one can easily fall in love with. The game will set you back $6.99 but it seems to have all 5 star reviews so far. If you have a tegra 4 device, check it out. http://youtu.be/j-ULKB1-8Ko

Humble Bundle Releases Their Newest Mobile Bundle Of Games, Humble Mobile Bundle 4

We already touched base on this earlier in the week when it was released, but the newest Humble Bundle Game pack is out and it has some great games that you can get for a low price and even help charity in the process. As with all Humble Bundles, some of the games are available for any price you choose which could be $0.50 if you wish, although they are worth much more than that,(in this case the bundle includes 4 standard games) but if you choose to pay the minimum average amount you’ll unlock 2 other games to total 6 awesome titles. Currently the Bundle sits at a minimum average of $3.69. You can pay whatever you want and you’ll get Catan, Vector, Riptide GP 2, and Zombie Gunship, and if you pay at least $3.69 you’ll also unlock Badland Premium(normally $2.99 by itself) and Breach and Clear. Usually the Humble Bundle Team adds in more games after a couple weeks or so as well so if you pay the average now, you might even score some extra unlockable games later on at no additional cost. Hit the jump to grab your bundle. http://youtu.be/O42HrBYdUsE