This past week, a new game hit Android and hit it with a bang. Most of you probably know exactly what game I’m talking about. It’s QuizUp. It’s a very addicting trivia game, and it appears that a ton of people are playing it. After all, I have over 300 friends on QuizUp, and that’s at the time of writing this editorial. QuizUp has a ton of subjects that it’ll ask you trivia on, sure it has plenty of typos (which to me are pretty funny since I’m an editor, especially the “Lenova” and “wat”). Obviously, I’ve been owning people in the Android section, since I write about Android for a living I probably have an unfair advantage. Although I have been playing in other sections as well like Logos, and The Big Bang Theory (awesome show by the way).
The thing I really liked about QuizUp was that you can login with your Google+ account, which is the way it should be. At least that’s what I think. It will also log you into your Google account (obviously if you login through Google+ its the same account) so you can utilize the leaderboards and achievements. That right there is what motivates me to play QuizUp even more. The competition. So now back to the topic of this editorial, how QuizUp should be the next Flappy Bird. Right now, QuizUp is sitting between 100,000 and 500,000 installs and it’s only been on Android since Wednesday or Thursday of last week. That’s pretty crazy. QuizUp also says there are over 200,000 questions and 400 topics on the app right now. This is a game that I’d love to see take over the world much like Flappy Birds did. And there’s no ads at all, just some in-app purchases, which I’m sure the developer will add more eventually. But the reason why I love QuizUp over Flappy bird is because it tests your knowledge, it even teaches you some stuff. I’ve actually learned a bit about Android that I didn’t know from playing this game. I can’t say the same for Flappy Bird.
Wouldn’t you love a game like QuizUp become a hugely popular game like Flappy Bird was? How many of you are already playing QuizUp? Be sure to add me, just search for my name, or if you’ve already added me on Google+ I should appear in your Google+ friends list. Let us know in the comments below what you think about this game.