Welcome to another edition of Ask AH. This is where our readers can ask us questions, of course related to Android or mobile, and we will answer them to the best of our knowledge. We also won’t be biased and let our own personal opinions get in the way. So you get an honest answer. Someone might ask us if they should get one phone over another, and we’ll basically tell them the advantages and disadvantages of each one so they can make a more informed decision. So let’s get on with this week’s Ask AH segment.
Dwip Asks: Do u think that the new Moto G will take the updates after Android KitKat?
That’s a great question, and it’s actually kind of hard to answer. Since we don’t know anything about the next version of Android, it’s hard to say whether or not a device will be able to get the OTA to that version. However, I do think Motorola will try and get the next version of Android on their Moto G since it is their most popular smartphone launch ever.
Dustin Asks: Should I get the Samsung Galaxy S5, or wait to see what else is available?
That’s really only something that you can answer. Because there is always going to be something bigger and better on the horizon. The Samsung Galaxy S5 is a great device, especially if you’re coming from a Galaxy S3 or another phone launched in 2012. And judging by Samsung’s recent track record with updating their phones, you should be fine with a Galaxy S5 on a two-year contract.
Tim Asks: Which is better Google+ or Facebook?
Well that’s not really a mobile question, but many of us here prefer Google+ over Facebook. Probably because it’s full of tech geeks like ourselves. But they both serve different communities. Feel free to give Google+ a run and see how you like it, you’ll probably meet some new people. And don’t forget to follow us on Google+ as well.
That’s it for this week’s Ask AH. If you have any questions you want to ask us, feel free to do so using this form and we’ll answer them next Friday.