Early Prototype Of Google Glass Looks Like Something Out Of Blade Runner

Google Glass may have sparked a revolution for the consumer based wearables market, but there are those who wouldn’t touch the device with a ten foot pole. We aren’t afraid to admit that Glass looks a little geeky on the face, because we simply don’t care. Some of us think the functionality is cool and we like the idea of having relevant information in front of us instead of having to always look down at our phones to get it. Despite how nerdy you think Google Glass might look, it looks ten times better than its first iterations of the prototype when Google began working on it three years ago. It was to say the least, not as elegant and we have to agree that the device has come such a long way in the design department. We wouldn’t be opposed to any more design revisions, but some of us here at AH don’t mind the look now is all were saying.

This image comes from Janine Gianfredi, a Google employee who spoke at the ThinkLA event last week in, you guessed it, LA, and during the talk she explained and demoed what Google Glass looked like in the beginning stages. It’s certainly a far cry from where we stand now, and while the device is continuing to go through testing in the Explorer program with the many users that already have their hands on them, we’ll be glad when glass comes down in price a little bit once it’s ready for consumers.

Recently Google announced that they were partnering up with Ray-Ban and Oakley to provide either frames or variations of Google Glass, which means that Glass could end up looking a little more mainstream and fashionable to those who are more concerned about that. So far there isn’t any mention about when exactly we might see anything from the collaboration, but since Glass isn’t scheduled to be ready and released for consumers until sometime late this year, we’d wager it’ll be quite some time. It’s always great to see the humble beginnings of things that make a big impact on our lives, so thanks for this image Janine, it will surely bring a smile to Google Glass enthusiasts and the Glass community.