The long-awaited update is now finally in the works! For those of you that use Chromecast and have a Nexus 5, rejoice! The latest build of the Mirror app on the Play Store, v1.0.0.8, which will roll out soon, includes an update that lets you mirror your phone screen on your TV. The reason that this update will only work for the Nexus 5 is because as of now it is the only phone on the market with a VP8 encoder built into the hardware, which is essential to this task. The mirroring process is in ‘super beta’, and currently requires root access. Don’t worry, though, in the future root will not be required.
So what does this do? The Mirror app will let you screencast your Android. You will be able to make a video recording of your screen, Mirror the screen to the Chromecast (Nexus 5 only), Mirror your screen to Chrome (again, Nexus 5 only), and Mirror your screen to an Apple TV, if you have one! If you want in on this beta, you need to have a rooted Nexus 5, join the ClockworkMod Google+ community here, join the Mirror beta Google+ group here, and download the app from Google Play. For those of you who want to see a visual, there is a video at the bottom of the article demonstrating the service. The video, to be fair, does not use the Chromecast, but rather the Apple TV. The developer has stated that the main difference between that and the Chromecast streaming is that the latter has more latency, which is unfortunate but will hopefully be minimized as time goes on.
This is an interesting change to come about to Chromecast. If you feel that your Nexus 5 doesn’t have a big enough screen for a certain task, you can use your Chromecast or other device to view it on a larger screen. Is this something that interests you Chromecast users out there? Are you willing to get involved in the beta? If so, let us know your experiences or any other thoughts you have down below in the comments!