Google Drive Drops Prices of Additional Storage – 100GB now $1.99/month

Google Drive is now about two years old, and to celebrate, Google is reducing the prices on their extra storage plans. So as you know you get 15GB of space for free. Which is quite generous, especially since Google Docs doesn’t count towards your quota. But now they’ve changed the 100GB plan to $1.99/month, it was previously $4.99/month. The next step up is 1TB at $9.99/month which was previously $49.99/month. Then 10TB or more starts at $99.99/month. Which if you need that much space, I’d like to know what you’re storing in the cloud.

I currently have 1TB of space on Google Drive which is thanks to the Chromebook Pixel, but being able to continue having that 1TB of space after the promotion is over, just got that much easier to deal with. Of course I’m nowhere near my quota, but it’s nice to see 1TB drop down to just $10/month. The new plans are available now, and if you don’t see them yet, you should see them pretty soon. You can upgrade from the Storage page here.

Google Drive is one of the best cloud storage solutions, in my opinion. Especially if you use a lot of Google services, because it’s tied into just about everything. You can even use it to store backups of your Android devices using apps like Titanium Backup or Helium. Remember this storage is used for Drive, Gmail and Google+ photos, which Google+ photos probably uses the most storage, in my case. Of course, the 15GB plan is still free, so you can go ahead and keep that if you are using less than 15GB at this time.

How many of you out there are getting ready to upgrade your Google Drive storage? Be sure to let us know in the comments below which plan you plan on jumping too.