Google Limits Google Wallet Tap & Pay Feature to Kit Kat Devices

Here we go again. Google Wallet has been getting some increased attention as of late. The service has come a long way from when it was demonstrated at a press conference in May of 2011. Since September 2011 release, it has seen modest growth and in 2013 with integrated with Gmail, allowing users to send money via attachments.  Great news for those of us, myself included, who avidly use Google Wallet on a daily basis. Updates are usually a good thing and something to be looked forward to. Google Wallet has been pretty mute on updates until recently, so the updates are surely welcome. So what’s the cause for the latest Google Wallet update attention? Read on to find out.

Ever since Google Wallet was first released, Google has been tweaking it to have features that distinguish it as a service. From integration with MasterCard PayPass system, to integration with Visa’s PayWave system, to the introduction of the Google Wallet Card, Google is working hard to make Wallet more appealing. I know from personal experience that the program is pretty on point for money handling. The minute I make a purchase, an automated receipt is sent to my gmail and I get monthly statements as well.

But, it doesn’t stop there. Wallet can also manage your loyalty cards. I have everything from my Best Buy Rewards points my Library card all saved to the app so I no longer have to keep tons of little tags on my key chain.  This really makes the app worth it and the service quite valuable. I have found this little feature to be one of the main reasons why I recommend the use of Google Wallet.

So, down to the reason for the latest update. Google and their Google Wallet developers, have now implemented a tracker for anything that you order online as long as the receipt comes to your Gmail. You can now go into the Google Wallet app where they invite you to try the service and you can simply click on order. From there you can see the receipt and follow along with tracking information. If your item winds up delivered, you can simply click that you have received your item so that you can let Google Wallet know.

Now the problem with all of this, is that sometimes with all of those features you have to trim down a little bit. Google Wallet has apparently decided to limit their app’s tap and pay service to devices only running Android 4.4 aka Kit Kat. This will go into effect on April 14th 2004 according to Google’s statement. See below.

“We wanted to let you know about an update to Google Wallet that might change the way you use the app. Right now it looks like you’re using tap and pay with a device running an Android version older than 4.4 KitKat. On the newest version of Android, tap and pay works with different technology for an improved experience. As a result, starting on A p r i l 1 4, 2 0 1 4, tap and pay will no longer work for devices with older Android versions.”