Google Opens Up Browser Uploading For Google Play Music, Adds Other Handy Extras

I have long been a fan of Google Play Music, since it had started I had been using the service, even through the beta. In fact, I have long been a fan of lots of Google products and services. Choosing to switch from various past alternatives to using Play Music like subsonic music servers or heavy use of Pandora, was not a hard decision for the sheer fact that it would make things simpler when it came to listening to, and tracking down new music, as well as managing my music library. The one caveat that I saw with Google Play Music from the beginning was that uploading music into your music library was less of a simple task than one would hope from a Google service. It wasn’t by any means difficult, it was just a little less convenient and time consuming. Today Google has finally given us a way to more easily upload and add music to our libraries, by allowing browser uploads.

This is something that many users, myself included, have been waiting on for a long time. Probably since the release of Google Play Music, but, as lovers of the service we stuck by it despite the lack of this arguably better implementation. For whatever reasons Google had to leave this feature out, they are now void because it’s available now. Enabling this feature is pretty easy, as all you have to do is navigate to the labs page for Google Play Music,(located here) then switch to enable the Google Play Music For Chrome lab. it’s that simple. After you’ve done that just hit save and you’ll now be able to add music to your library whenever you want just by hitting the Add To button from the music player tab, then find the songs you want and just drag and drop. Done.

This isn’t the only goody that Google added in, as they have now made it possible for you to more easily download music from the web whether it be songs, entire albums, or playlists. For those of you that use Google Play Music on a daily basis, you may have already known about the mini player that you could have pop up on top of what ever tab you’re in. It’s a useful little way to be able to skip to the next song, pause, play, and rewind, and see what you’re listening to as well as hit the thumbs up or thumbs down for better recommendations. This was available before this Google Play Music For Chrome lab was enabled, as I had it open before I turned on the new lab. With the new lab turned on though you can more easily access it by hitting the arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the Play Music tab. If you’re not already Google Play Music, now is a great time to start with these new features and easier management of all your favorite tunes.