Fear not fellow smartphone and tech enthusiasts, if you have been finding it hard to fall asleep at night due to nightmarish thoughts that your smartphone might come under attack from everyday house hold tools and kitchen utensils, rest easy.. you can at least go to bed knowing how things will end up. No, it’s safe to say that your HTC One M8 probably won’t make it through the night if you accidentally(or intentionally) take a hammer to it. Hammer’s don’t like electronics. They are sworn battle enemies and the hammer always wins. Why am I telling you all this? So you can prepare yourself. Not only for what you’re about to read and watch, but so you can at least try not to do the same thing to your own stuff, or in more blunt terms, take better care of your things.
In this eye opening test to see how the HTC One M8 would hold up against various items one usually has lying around the house, we get a look at what sort of fate might befall your brand new HTC One M8 should there be a war between it and a squadron of sharp and heavy objects. If watching this video alone will give you nightmares, avert your eyes, it isn’t for the faint of heart. The guys over at TechSmartt(the same wonderful team of people who compared the original HTC One to the new HTC One M8 just the night before last) are going to do a scratch and smash test on this new phone, because.. why the hell not? Aside from the obvious, that the odds are one in a million that you might accidentally slash your phones gut while trying to rapidly slice onions like Iron Chef Bobby Flay, there is one practical part to this video which is the test to see how the phone’s Gorilla Glass screen holds up against scratches from a regular old house key.
All things considered, the phone does a decent enough job at not being broken to bits, but it certainly doesn’t end up usable anymore. We won’t spoil the fun for you if you’re keen on watching the video, and if you can’t bare to watch the video, then you don’t want to see how things end up anyways. We thank the team at TechSmartt for doing this little test for us, cause now we don’t have to wonder anymore.