Is This Leaked LG Accessory Some Sort of Wearable or Just Another Weird Stylus?

Let’s face it, Wearable Technology is here to stay, and while it might not have found its running shoes yet, it’s off to a brisk walk at least. With industry giants like Samsung, Sony and LG all getting in on the game, it’s hard to see the wearables industry go anywhere but up. This latest leak from the infamous @evleaks however, has us scratching our heads. Frankly, we’re asking what he hell this thing is. It’s obviously something that wraps around your wrist and features a stylus at the end of it, but is it anything more than a throwback to the nineties?

Our friendly neighborhood leakster different have anything more to offer, other than simply “Wearable?” So our guess is perhaps as good as his. We’re thinking that this is too thin to be a wearable and might simply end up being a poorly thought out accessory on LG’s part. No matter what though, it’s an interesting little accessory for someone as large as LG to even think about producing. Another thing that leads us to believe that this isn’t a wearable, is that LG already has their Lifeband Touch fitness tracker-come-smartwatch on its way to market and we doubt LG wants to release too many of these things in a short space of time. Besides, why would a wearable need to have a rubber-tipped stylus at the end of it? We know that LG and Samsung both come up with some interesting ideas, but we doubt even LG could make this work.

You can take a look at the full image just below, but we’d love to hear what you have to say on this strange appearance, do you think it’s a wearable of some sort or is it simply a throwback to the days where slapping plastic against our wrists was a lot of fun? Let us know what you think in the comments below and over on Google+!