Samsung may be the current largest android manufacturer in the U.S., but no one is growing faster than LG. Yes, LG is Korea’s other major electronics company that people tend to forget about, and although the company still lags behind Samsung and Apple for smartphone share here inside the United States, they now hold a total of 8% marketshare when it comes to android devices in the country. Android as a whole has gained a total of 3.8 % of smartphone marketshare over the past year. This growth from LG has put them into the third place ranking of smartphone manufacturers in the US, and with recent devices it’s easy to see why.
According to Kantar Worldpanel ComTech who did the study that includes this data, LG is gaining marketshare within the US based off of its lineup of high-end devices that it offers to customers, compared to the large amount of low-end handsets we have seen from them in the past. LG’s biggest contributor so far is the LG G2. When compared against the iPhone 5S and the Galaxy Note 3, the LG G2 ranked higher for customer recommendation scores with a score of 9.2 out of 10, with the iPhone 5S coming in second of the three at 9.1, and the Note 3 bringing up the rear with a score of 9 even. This is good news for LG, who has been steadily producing higher quality handsets, and has produced the last two Nexus devices with rumors of being the OEM selected for the Nexus 6, and their follow up to the G2, the LG G3 is coming later this year.
Like every OEM, LG has their downfalls, like their slow to update time frame for newer versions of the Android software, but when it comes to the overall experience of the handsets consumers seem to be extremely happy with the choices they have made. If this trend continues for LG, they just might have a shot at dethroning Samsung as the reigning king of Android smartphones, although that would take some time and continued effort to bring customers first class experiences as something like that wouldn’t happen over night.