Pebble 2.0 – Including the App Store – Is Now Available for Android

Back at CES, Pebble announced the new Pebble App Store along with Pebble 2.0 and Pebble Steel. Quite the announcement for a startup. Pebble Steel is now shipping (and has a 6-8 week shipping wait), and Pebble 2.0 has been available on iOS for quite some time. Now it’s finally making it’s way over to Android. The beta has been available for a while, but it was rather rough. On Friday, Pebble announced the update was now available for Pebble.

Since none of us here have a Pebble to check out the update, we’ll have to go by the word of our awesome readers in how great the update is. But it brings lots of new features and better stability as well as the usual bug fixes. Not to mention the App Store. Which has quite a few apps in there already. Like Foursquare, Yelp and many others. It’s pretty cool to be able to Check-In to Foursquare from your wrist though, without needing to pull out your phone and open up Foursquare.

The Pebble is still on sale, and it’s around  $150 or less from Amazon, depending on the color. If you’re interested, we have links down below for you to check out. The Pebble Steel is going for $250, but as we stated before it has a pretty long shipping wait right now. Which is unfortunate, but on the other hand, it’s good for Pebble. As people are loving their product.

So for those of you with a Pebble, be sure to let us know in the comments down below how you’re liking the update to Pebble. And if you have a Pebble Steel, I envy you!

Pebble Smartwatch for iPhone and Android (Black)

Pebble Smart Watch for iPhone and Android Devices (Red)

Pebble Smart Watch for iPhone and Android Devices(Grey)