Most of you have probably never heard of Verizon Smart Rewards, which is a loyalty program from Big Red. Basically what it does is Verizon gives out points to their customers for paying their bill, managing their account online, upgrading from a feature phone to a smartphone, etc. These points that customers earn can then be redeemed for things like deals and gift cards. Not a bad thing, right? Currently, Verizon has been testing this loyalty program in eight states. That includes Arkansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, Northern Idaho, Northern Mississippi, and Western Tennessee. But according to Fierce Wireless, it appears big red wants to expand it nationwide as soon as April 1st.
Verizon had previously confirmed that they had plans to expand this program in 2014, but had not offered up a firm launch date just yet. Some ways to earn Verizon Smart Rewards Points are not things you’d do too often, but there are plenty of other ways to get points. This includes getting points for every dollar you spend on your bill – which can add up pretty fast, keeping a connected tablet on a plan and using Auto Pay. Those seem pretty easy to do, especially where they will give you a point for every dollar spent on your bill, and according to a recent study, the average cost for a monthly bill on Verizon is nearly $148/month. That can add up quite quickly.
What’s going to be interesting here is how many points you need for these special deals and how many points you’ll need for those gift cards. We’ll have to wait and see how Verizon will handle it once it’s rolled out nationwide, but it sounds like a great idea to keep customers with Verizon. I wonder if other carriers will come up with something similar soon?