The newest Chromebook out there has just been dated and priced over in the UK. In case you hadn’t heard, that’s the Samsung Chromebook 2. Which is actually a pretty nice looking Chromebook with decent specs, although I would have liked to see a Haswell processor inside instead of a Exynos 5 chip, but nonetheless, it’s still a great machine.
As far as specs go, the 11.6-inch version has a 1366×768 resolution display, 4GB of RAM, 16GB Solid State Drive, and 8 hours of battery life. While the 13.3-inch version has a 1920×1080 Full HD display, along with 4GB of RAM, 16GB of solid state storage, and 8 hours of battery life. Of course they also have a few USB ports, headphone jack, HDMI port, and a webcam. Samsung has also bundled a bunch of apps and services with the new Samsung Chromebook 2. Which makes them the first – that I’m aware 0f – manufacturer to launch a Chromebook with “bloat” on board. Additionally, Samsung has put the faux leather backing from the Galaxy Note 3 and the Galaxy Pro tablets on the Samsung Chromebook 2. Which I think looks better in black than it does in white. But then again that’s just my opinion.
As far as pricing goes, the 11.6-inch Chromebook 2 is going for £249 and releasing on May 1st, while the 13.3-inch Chromebook 2 is going for £329 and releasing on March 12. Which is shortly after it’ll be launching in the US. Last we heard from Samsung, the Chromebook 2 should be launching here in the US in April. But as we always do, we’ll keep you up to date with launch dates in various regions. In the UK, it should be available from all the usual retailers.
How many of our friends over in the UK are interested in picking up the Samsung Chromebook 2 when it launches in roughly two months? Let us know in the comments below.