Samsung S-Circle Makes an Appearance at the FCC, Might be Sequel to 2013's S Band

Last year when Samsung announced the Galaxy S4, it made some serious strides to include itself in your daily exercise routine.  Not only did they launch their pretty decent S-Health app, but they also launched the S-Band; a wearable fitness tracker that works hand-in-hand with S-Health and helps track your steps and monitor your sleep to deliver more health conscious information to you.  If you’ve never heard of the S-Band (pictured above) or even seen it on sale you aren’t alone.  Samsung seems to have all but abandoned the S-Band for whatever reason, likely sales, and seems bent to just focus on smartwatches since the introduction of the Galaxy Gear last September.  While Samsung introduced the Gear Fit alongside the Galaxy S5 last week, it looks like they might be trying to resurrect the S-Band for those that don’t want something as fancy as the Gear Fit, or just don’t want a screen on their wearable.

Making a pit-stop at the FCC today we find that a new Samsung device with the model number of EI-AN900A has passed through approval and goes by the name of S-Circle.  Yes that’s a pretty horrid name, but there’s no telling what Samsung will actually call it.  S-Band was pretty terrible in and of itself, and very unmemorable at that too.  What makes us wonder here is that the same device also passed through Bluetooth certification as a Bluetooth 4.0 device, and the model number EI is shared within the same family as the S-Band, leading us to believe this must be an updated version of the S-Band after all.  Oddly enough this Bluetooth certification request was created all the way back on September 12th, 2013, and is just now passing through the FCC certification process.  Being listed as an “activity tracker” in the FCC only furthers the notion that this is an S-Band update, so when was Samsung planning on announcing this thing?  Maybe we’ll just see a quiet release of it as S-Band 2.0 or something, but we’ll certainly bring you more solid information as it becomes available.