Cyanogen Inc. has just added in some new nightly support for their latest version of the Cyanogenmod ROM for those of you that are into rooting and flashing on your devices. The phone that’s new to the party? This one is for the Sony fans and users, more specifically the Sony Xperia Z1 compact. If you own or looking to buy a Sony Xperia Z1 compact and were looking for a new ROM to test out, you might want to give CM11 a try now that official support for nightlies has been added in for your device. As of last night, you can now find the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact(amami) in the device downloads list for the latest nightly build. To be completely honest, it looks like the nightlies have been available since the 14th, so we’re a few days late. Better late than never though right?
Even though no one here at AH uses the Z1 Compact, we always enjoy seeing new development pop up for ROM flashers and phone tweak freaks. It’s just part of being a geek and enjoying the customization capabilities that such a thing gives to users. If you have yet to test out CM11 but are currently using another ROM, CM11 is definitely worth giving a try. We suggest making a solid backup of whatever you’re running now then dipping a toe in the CM waters. If you like what you see, then carry on with updates to the newest nightlies as they are rolled out. This usually happens daily, but sometimes a day or two gets skipped which is perfectly OK.
Of course most of you probably already know that Cyanogenmod 11 is a Kit Kat based ROM, so you’ll be on Android 4.4.2 software(likely 4.4.2 anyway), and you’ll have support for things like the transparent status bar if you use Nova Launcher, it could also be baked right into the amami nightly build of the ROM. You also have a few other fun tweaks and options available, like the capability to use CyanogenMods app for screen casting(only compatible for CM ROMs) called CyanogenMod Screencast which allows you to record a video of your android screen and microphone. The nighlty builds are live now, and you can grab from the CM website if you wish to get started.