Soon, Amazon Will be Streaming Android Apps and Games with AppStream

Amazon has quickly become a force in the Android world, ever since the original Kindle Fire hit the scene, and convinced us that affordable Android tablets could not only be decent devices, but also commercially viable. We all know however, that Amazon would never have been able to produce a tablet in the first place if it weren’t for their Appstore efforts. The Amazon Appstore has become one of the more popular app stores on Android, which is saying something considering the default, the Google Play Store, ships with every Android device imaginable, pretty much. It’s a good question as to where Amazon head next, selling apps and games is hardly original after all. It seems that the answer, like so many of their other digital products, is in the Cloud.

By now, many of you will have heard of Amazon’s Web Services, the dynamic hosting services that keeps things like Netflix running. These web services are about to give the same sort of boost to apps and games as they have done to web services all overt the internet. A new type of service, dubbed AppStream, will allow developers to host part of their infrastructure on Amazon’s servers and speed up things like loading times and graphics rendering. A lot of this news is only going to be of interest to developers and publishers, or at least that’s the case right now.

In the future however, we could be looking at apps that load incredibly fast, thanks to the widespread adoption of LTE across much of North America, and the load on our smartphones could soon become even lighter. Something that could further the already explosive growth in the mid-range market of Android devices like the Moto G and the Blu line of devices. Just when this service will hit the vast majority of our smartphones and tablets is unclear, but we’re going to say that this is something Amazon, and developers, will want to move quickly on. For those technical folk, take a look at the source link to get more info on the changes they’ve recently implemented.