Sponsored App Review: Smart Horoscope

Description: Smart Horoscope is an Android app that does pretty much exactly what you think, it tells your horoscope. As the name suggests however, this is more than your run-of-the-mill horoscope application and offers a number of features that you wouldn’t find in generic everyday sort of horoscope apps. For one thing, it can deliver a daily horoscope to you as a notification and it also lets you share these predictions with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. With a number of different categories to choose from, Smart Horoscope has advice for absolutely everyone.

How it Works: First of all, you’ll need to download the app from the Play Store. After that, you need to choose your star sign. Complete newcomers to this can simply input their birthday to have the app choose their sign for them.

When you choose your sign, you’re given a description, which is great for those new to astrology.

Once you have your star sign setup, you’ll see some categories with predictions tailored for you, such as romance, money and more.

There are more choices than those however if you clean on more, which is good for those that are looking for something a little more specific.

Opinion: I’ll be honest, I’m not one for astrology, and I’ve rarely found myself looking for this sort of help or guidance in life. Then again, I’m a grumpy cynic, so what do I know? The app seems popular in the Play Store and as apps go, this is well-designed, if not a little generic but, everything is easy to read and get to. The daily horoscope will be good for those who check their phone every morning, like myself, and there are a lot of other categories for advice in the more section. Being able to share to Facebook and Twitter is a real boon for some as well, as astrologists do tend to run in circles so, there’s sure to be some social movement around this one. Besides, you can also check in on your friends’ horoscopes as well, which is nice to see if they might need a helping hand or if they’re going to have a little more luck than you this week.


  • Speed (4/5) – Smart Horoscope is perfectly quick enough and there are no issues waiting for things to load.
  • Features (4/5) – While it might not offer much more than other horoscope apps, it does so in a neat and easy-to-use package.
  • Theme (3.5/5) – A fairly well-designed app, we would like to see a little more flare here, but there’s not too much to complain about here.
  • Overall (4/5) – This is a solid option for horoscope fans looking for a quality app, and for those newcomers it’ll be even more of an eye-opener.


  • Easy to select a star sign, even for newcomers using their birthday.
  • Main bases covered with the default arrangement of horoscopes.
  • Lots more available in the more section.
  • Updated daily with a notification to go with it!


  • Even more categories would be nice to see.
  • Could do with some visual flare to make the app feel more inviting, perhaps themes would work.

Conclusion: If you’re not too interest in horoscopes, or astrology in general, then Smart Horoscope probably won’t appeal to you. However, you’re not the target audience. Instead, this is an application for those that either want to get involved, or know what horoscopes are and just need a better app to get them on their smartphone. The daily notification is great, and those that check their phones first thing will really enjoy this little feature. Overall, this is a solid app that does exactly what it says it does.