What's Next for Flexible Displays from LG and Samsung?

Last year, we began seeing our first smartphones with flexible displays, from rival Korean manufacturers LG and Samsung. LG announced the G Flex, a few days before Samsung announced their Galaxy Round. Which is pretty typical of LG. When they know Samsung is going to announce something, they will announce it a day or two before to say they were first. The Samsung Galaxy Round only launched in Korea, and on one carrier. While the LG G Flex is actually here in the US, and on 3 out of the 4 carriers, which is actually quite surprising. So what’s next on the horizon of flexible displays?

According to ETNews who spoke with industry insiders, LG will be working on reducing the size of their flexible display and improving other aspects like the resolution. The LG G Flex is a 6-inch display, but with a 720p resolution. While it didn’t look too bad during my time with the device, it definitely was not a selling point for most people. While Samsung is working on different forms of AMOLED, which are said to be a game-changer.

While Samsung has the 1080p display on their Galaxy Round, it’s not as flexible as the LG G Flex’s display. Which probably explains why we are seeing higher specs from Samsung than LG. But I’m sure with the next iteration we’ll see higher specs. We’ve already seen Samsung put a curved display on another device, that would be the Samsung Gear Fit. Which is a really nice looking device and will be on sale in about 2 weeks. I’m interested to see what other devices LG is going to put their flexible or curved display on, maybe some wearables? I think they’d really excel there with flexible and curved displays. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see how the Gear Fit works in real life and how well it sells before we can be sure.