For many, the Samsung Galaxy S5 will be the hottest new device of the year and like its predecessor, it had legions of people waiting in lines to get their hands on one and be the first in their group of people to own one. Others will likely wait a few months to snatch one up as they want to see how things work first. From my personal point of view, if I was ever to pick up a Galaxy S5 as my new device my first question would be “how does it handle games?” It’s likely that the answer to that would be extremely well, given the Snapdragon 801 processor and the 2GB of RAM. However, like most things some real world experience is best to find out the truth.
This isn’t necessarily the first thing people think about when going to grab a new device, but like me there are a good sized group of people that will be engaging with the device through games quite often, so knowing how well it performs during this activity is important. We want to know how it stands up to the competition, and ultimately, is it really going to perform that much better than our older current devices? While this could be easily determined by going down to your local carrier store or the closest Best Buy and checking out a few games, you might have a certain game in mind that you want to test and well, some of the best games are paid and that won’t likely be an option before you buy the device. Luckily there are plenty of free games out there that are fairly memory intensive with awesome graphics, so it should be simple enough to figure out if you want to spend a half hour or so checking things out at your brick and mortar store of choice.
The other thing to take into account, is how well the battery is going to hold up while playing games. Some games are meant more for a casual short spurt, while other require more time and vastly larger amounts of attention as you become engaged with the game and can become immersed into the complexities of the story. These games sometimes can be the heaviest not only on the processing power, but on the battery as well for the sheer fact that you can play them for hours. That’s not to say that you can’t sit down and play a casual game like Quiz Up for hours on end, but for me personally I spend more time with games like RPG’s and action games such as Deus Ex: The Fall than casual games. The good thing with the Galaxy S5 is that should you almost completely kill your battery by playing games with it, only to realize that you still need it to stay powered on for another 6 to 8 hours, you can simply flip it into the power saving mode and keep it alive for another 24 hours with only 10%. There’s also the matter of the screen. How good will games look on it while playing them? Although the screen size isn’t a huge bump from the GS4, the size of the display on the GS4 was already decent for playing games, so a slight increase is good. It’s also Full HD and is sporting Samsung’s next generation of AMOLED displays. My final thoughts, the Galaxy S5 could serve as a great phone for gaming, although I am personally rather partial to some of the graphical benefits that you get with a tegra processor. Would you game on this phone?