BBM For Android and iOS Updates with Stickers, Larger File Attachments and More!

Late last year, Blackberry Messenger finally went cross-platform. While many people thought it was a few years to late, and rightfully so, Blackberry has shown that they aren’t just going to release the app and forget about it. We’ve been seeing regular updates for both the iOS and Android versions ever since it launched. Today, they’ve pushed out another update which brings stickers, larger file attachments, and Group photo sharing to the app, which is definitely nice to see.

Let’s start off with the stickers. We all know what stickers are, since we’ve seen them in many other apps. I think Path was first to introduce them, which was a way for them to bring in revenue. Since then, quite a few messaging apps have included it like Facebook Messenger, and now BBM. BBM has a few sticker packs as well, like the WWE Superstars and Shaun the Sheep which are both exclusive right now. These sticker packs are either free or $1.99. Which isn’t bad, and it’s also a way for Blackberry to drive in some revenue which they desperately need, especially if you paid attention to their last few quarterly earnings.

As far as file attachments go, you can now attach files up to 16MB in size on any platform. Which still may seem small, but if you’re sending anything bigger, I’d suggest uploading to Dropbox, or Google Drive and then sending that person the link. It’ll be much faster. Then there’s also group photo sharing, which I don’t think I need to go into great detail about right now. But basically they are allowing you to share photos with a group of people, pretty self-explanatory right?

The update to Blackberry Messenger is now available on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store depending on the platform you are using it on. Unfortunately it still doesn’t work for tablets, hopefully that’ll get updated soon.