You Can Now See Filters For Restaurants And Hotels With Google Search

Using Google Search to look for hotels and restaurants in your local area just got easier, and Google has now updated search to allow a user to filter the results they get when using search to look for both services. You can easily open up Google Now or the Google search app, or simply tap the mic button on the search widget, and ask Google to show you “hotels” or “restaurants” in-insert city name here-and Google Search will kick you back your results like before, but now offer up the ability to filter those results based on certain criteria.

When looking for a restaurant in your local area-which for the moment Google says is limited to the U.S.-you’ll be greeted with your results like shown in the images below, and the the ability to swipe through your options in card view, with a new filter button atop the listing results. Restaurant filters include price range of the restaurant, star rating of the establishment, whether or not the the restaurants are open, and cuisine type which should help you narrow down the best place to chow down if you’re at a loss for what you want or perhaps just want to try something new and don’t know where to start.

Hotel listing filters don’t seem to be as varied, and only give you the option to narrow your search results by hotel class rating and personal user rating of the hotels listed in the city your searching for them in. While the lack of a filter option for price here like with restaurants is a bit of an odd move to us, it’s something that is easy to dismiss as the prices for a night’s stay are listed next to each hotel listing, so it should be no problem to work out how much it would cost you to stay in any of the options given to you. Google hints that this feature is on it’s way to other regions with a simple “stay tuned!” comment, and for those that reside within the U.S. and will be able to take advantage of the feature immediately, once you have pinpointed the place you want to either shack up or grab a bite, you can use the OK Google hotword and say call-insert address-and you should be talking to the business in no time.