Draw Awesome Pictures With Your Friends With The New Chromecast Game Doodlecast

Do you all remember Draw Something? It was insanely popular for a time and those that remember its inception and have actually played it know that it was a god among men(for games), sitting high atop the throne just like games before and after it. The basic idea of the game was to try and draw something for an opponent who you played against online and they would end up having to guess what it was. Almost like pictionary. If it was your turn to draw, you would pick a category from which to be given something to draw for your opponent, which would end up being something random within those category guidelines. While the original Draw Something was quite fun in its own right, it would be much more fun when played as a party game or in the company of real friends who you have actually met and see face to face on occasion.

This is where the game Doodlecast comes in. It’s a great new game for Chromecast that allows you a similar style of play for the big on screen experience that you get when streaming other already available games to Chromecast. It isn’t the first game to launch for use with the streaming media dongle, others like Dehumanize your friends(previously known as casts against civility, the Cards Against Humanity clone) and others have already been out for a little while, but for the pictionary fans out there this proves to be one game that can be fun for the entire group.

The game while awesome, does its few downfalls, one of which is a low number of possible words and phrases to be drawn out. Although this is a minor setback, the app is in its complete infancy so expect plenty of updates in the future that should expand on its vocabulary and give the players more value in it. The game does well to put some more variety into what’s available for the Chromecast owners who enjoy games, and just like the other games on Chromecast, it’s turn based, so each person that connects up to the Chromecast will take turns choosing a word to draw which appears up on screen. If you enjoy a good game of pictionary, this is certainly a must have to play on the Chromecast. Doodlecast is free, and you can grab the game from the link here.