Google Lowers The Price Of The Sony Xperia Z Ultra To $449

Unofficial news of Samsung’s Galaxy S5 getting a Gpe is rather exciting for those who want that Galaxy S5 hardware experience but don’t want to part ways with the fresh, clean, and stock feel of the pure Android build. While the device isn’t yet available, the appearance of the S5 up on Google Play in the devices section within the Galaxy S4 listing is a pretty good indicator that it’s on the way. We just don’t know when exactly or what the cost will be. We do however know the cost of the Sony Xperia Z Ultra GPe that is still up and available on Google Play, which just recently saw a price drop this morning making it even more affordable.

For those of you that love the idea of having the Sony Xperia Z Ultra with that huge display and sweet resistance to the elements, but weren’t fond of the price tag that came along with the phone you’ll be happy to know that Google seems to have lowered the price on this bad boy to a total cost of $449. Yes, that’s a huge price drop of the original cost of $649, saving you over $200. Can you hear your wallet thanking you for waiting to grab one of these? I can. It sounds happy. Simply reply with a soft.. “you’re welcome”. The Sony Xperia Z Ultra is a mega sized phone but now without the mega sized price, and it’s currently in stock and can be ready to ship in 1-2 business days if you’re feeling particularly generous(to yourself). At this price though we’d imagine that Google could have the possibility to run out of stock as it is a pretty good deal.

You can expect all the pure Android goodies here. The stock UI, the latest version of Kit kat(which if it isn’t running it as soon as you power on the device we imagine it’ll update to it moments after)and prompt future updates to newer version of Android. If you’re looking for a hefty sized display and you want stock Android, how you can turn down this deal? We have to wonder if this means they are getting ready to star offering new GPe phones soon.