Remember that cool little game to search Google Maps and find all the Pokemon to become the Pokemon Master(well I suppose it depends on what you consider games)that Google had set out during the beginning of the month? It was more of an April Fools joke than anything else. However it was quite fun and if you’re a Pokemon fan you might have been absolutely delighted to try and find Pokemon in real world locations. The cool thing is that Google took things further than just a tiny April Fools joke, and are apparently reaching out to those who had found all 151 pokemon during the challenge. That includes the 150 normal pokemon I guess you would call them and the 151st pokemon(which was a well known secret in the game)which was Mew. If you had found them all you may be getting a little message from Google soon congratulating you on being a pokemon master and asking you to fill out a form to get a surprise for your efforts(which is basically your information for shipping we assume).
It looks like folks are getting the messages in G+ from the Google Maps profile, and once they fill out the form they end up mailing out your surprise gift which is said to take four to six weeks to receive. The form is located in a Google Drive file which the Maps profile sends a link to jump to through the G+ message, which is where you enter your information and also have to prove that you found all 151(basically verifying) pokemon by entering the location of where you found Mew. Once the form is filled out Google reportedly takes a month to a month and half to ship out the free surprise gift. Could it be a specially made pokeball attributing to your pokemon catching prowess? We can’t help but think that it’s something pokemon related.
Didn’t find Mew in the Pokemon Trainer challenge? It seems that Google might also be including anyone that found all 150 pokemon as well according to a Google Maps G+ post from back on April 16th. While there’s no word yet if the surprises for those that only found 150 will be the same as those who found Mew also, but whatever it is a free surprise gift is always good right?