Back in March, HTC had announced that the SDK for the cameras on the HTC One (M8) would be available soon. The camera module is known as the Duo-Camera, and as most of you know it’s capable of doing all kinds of interesting things. The top camera is there primarily for depth information, so you are able to change the focus points, customize the background and do much more. The SDK is for their Dual Lens API, which is now available from HTCDev. According to HTC:
“HTC is excited to introduce the initial SDK preview for the Dual Lens API for all third party developers. With this SDK preview, developers will be able to create new effects and find new innovative uses for the images captures by the HTC One (M8).
The Dual Lens API consists of distributable libraries, sample code projects and JavaDoc API documentation.
This SDK contains classes and interfaces comprising two APIs:
DualLens – support for obtaining and managing a “bokeh” strength map mask for requested strength values.
DimensionPlus – support for the DimensionPlus file format. Includes a DimensionPlusView class for rendering DimensionPlus photos and a DimensionPlusUtility class for exporting images in the DimensionPlus format.
Each API is demonstrated with a corresponding sample code project. The DimensionPlusDemo project does not require a HTC One M8.”
It’s going to be really interesting to see what developers do with this SDK. I’m really interested in seeing what else is possible with the camera on the HTC One (M8). I was already impressed with the camera, even though it is a 4MP camera, so the resolution is pretty low, otherwise it’s a fantastic camera. How many of you are excited to see what developers are able to do with the SDK? Especially with the Dual Lens and Dimension Plus API’s. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.