Even though Google Glass has had its share of hiccups and bad press, it’s pretty easy to forget about all of it once you put on a pair and experience some of the cool things that it can do. Snapping photos from First Person view is definitely cool, but shooting video as seen by your eyes always ends up being the one to talk about. Today owners of glass have another way of tapping into their inner expressiveness, as they can now broadcast video that is being shot in real time via Livestream. Now wearers of glass will have another way to broadcast live video to others, with hangouts being the other option.
The new Livestream app actually went live a couple of days ago, and not only can users broadcast live video feeds to the Livestream platform, but they can also view messages that are sent to them via the board. Livestream also has an app available for android, which will allow others to follow your account and view any Google Glass livestreaming that you do. The app also lets users receive push notifications so that users can be alerted when you go live and broadcast new videos, making sure they never miss a beat and can experience things in first person like they’re actually there.
If you want to get started using Livestream with Google Glass, all you have to do is begin by downloading and installing the software for PC or Mac, than continue by pairing with Glass and selecting an event to broadcast. After that a simple hotword command of OK Glass Livestream, followed by a tap on the side of your device will get you going and the video will be live and broadcasting to users. It’s pretty cool to have even more ways to share your first hand experiences with other people as they happen, and we hope this won’t be the last app to join this particular function. There’s nothing quite like seeing something amazing as it’s happening. If you or someone you know uses Glass, check out Livestream and start sharing your experiences with the world.