Among the myriad of music apps and services out there that are available to users, one of the more recent apps that has entered the space is the Milk Music app by Samsung. The app isn’t a Samsung invention from the ground up, as Samsung themselves don’t own and operate a music streaming service. The app is actually powered by Slacker Radio, which is a good thing for those who might already use that app or are familiar with how that app works. The Milk Music app provides ad-free listening of tons of music to any and all who can use it, and as of today that will now include those users who will be hopping over to the Galaxy S5 when it launches on the 11th of this month. Seeing as how it’s already April 7th, that’s just a few days away and Milk Music could see a plenty of new users in the weeks to follow.
Having personally used Slacker Radio myself in the past, there’s nothing wrong with the app and if Milk Music works even half as good, it should be a decent offering. The only downside that seems to be present is that is US supported only at the moment, and it doesn’t seem to have as much to offer users in the way of features when compared to something like Spotify or other competing apps and services. Milk Music is free though which might just win over a handful of users, since most people probably won’t be complaining about a Free music service that has absolutely no ads.
Among the new device support,(Galaxy S5) you can now share what you’re listening to with your favorite social networks like Facebook and Twitter(although we know G+ is everyone’s real favorite right?), and services like chat and others. There are also some bug fixes in this newest update so you if you have previously used the app or are currently still using it, you may end up noticing things running smoother. Picking up a Galaxy S5 on launch day? Now you’ll be able to put on some music and turn up the volume mere minutes after you power on your new device. All you’ll have to do is install the app and sign in, and you’ll be ready to go.