Report: Google Working on new Gmail App for Android

We’ve known for a while that the Gmail app on iOS looks and works a lot better than it does on Android. But that might change rather soon as a new report is out today suggesting that the Gmail app for Android is about to get a much needed overhaul. The Gmail app hasn’t really gotten a big UI change since Ice Cream Sandwich. We’ve just had small tweaks since then. The new look of the app, shown above, looks much different from what it does now. Which leads me to believe that it’s due to their acquisition about two years ago of Sparrow. Sparrow was a popular third-party email client on iOS and Mac. It was a great looking email client that everyone using the Apple ecosystem loved.

The new UI looks pretty flat and looks really nice, at least in my opinion. Still has the slide out menu on the left side, along with all the tabs that you’ve got on the desktop. There’s also a new feature, where you can pin certain emails to the top of your inbox. Say for instance there’s an email that you want to deal with when you get to work tomorrow, just pin it to the top of your inbox so you don’t forget, as long as that works on the desktop as well, it could be a really useful feature.

I’m definitely excited to see this new Gmail app come out. At this point, there’s no word as to when it’ll be available but we should see it rather soon. Who knows, we may see at Google I/O in June. We’ll just have to be patient – which is definitely the hard part about this business. How many of you are interested in this new version of the Gmail for Android app? Let us know in the comments below.