Samsung Galaxy S5 Adds the Crystal Collection in May

Samsung is pulling out all of the stops when it comes to marketing and defending its newest flagship, the Galaxy S5.  Samsung is once again teaming up with Swarovski, the world’s leading producer of precision-cut crystal and bling-bling, to produce a new Crystal Collection for the Galaxy S5.  We know very little about it except that it will launch in South Korea sometime in May and expect to pay a premium price for this Crystal Edition.  Samsung has teamed up with Swarovski in the past for both the Galaxy S4 and more recently, the Galaxy Note 3.  There is no word on whether the Crystal Collection will make it out of South Korea, but I betting there are those individuals that hopes it makes an appearance in the U.S.

Other than being a Samsung product, the new Galaxy S5’s biggest criticism is the dimpled backing that Samsung choose to adorn their new flagship device, although there are many that liked it once they actually touched and held the device. I wonder if all of those dimples were filled with Swarovski crystals if the design would change anybody’s mind – I am thinking that it could make a huge difference in the way the Galaxy S5 was perceived.

In 1895, Daniel Swarovski, a Bohemian inventor and visionary, invented a machine for cutting and polishing crystals.  From these humble beginnings, Swarovski helped revolutionize the fashion world and today, the fifth generation family owned company, makes their own creations, as well as teams up with outside companies to customize items to suit their needs.  Samsung has tapped on their creative abilities in the past and now for the new Crystal Collection of the Galaxy S5.  Swarovski designs are so popular there may be some buyers that will pick up one of these custom Galaxy S5s simply as an investment or fashion statement – but for whatever reason, we cannot wait to see it next month.

Please let us know on our Google+ Page if you would be interested in purchasing the Crystal Collection Galaxy S5 if it was offered as an option – we should hear more about it very soon and in the meantime, take a look at the short video below:
