Xiaomi Has Begun Beta Testing Kit Kat Version Of Miui For All Xiaomi Devices

If you’re a fan of the popular Miui ROM and have been waiting for Miui V5 to come along and offer some Android 4.4 goodness, the good news is that Miui V5 is going through some beta stages at this time and will begin beta testing the new ROM starting next week Monday. As some of you might have expected the new kit kat based Miui to show up in February as was stated, this might come as a shock and a nice surprise to find out that it is finally close to being in the hands of users. As of right now Xiaomi is only looking to test out the new ROM with one specific device, but in two separate models. If you own and use a Xiaomi Mi3S-both the wcdma and the cdma versions apply-you are likely a prime candidate for the new Miui V5 ROM. You’ll most likely have to be living in the China region to become a beta tester though.

The news of Xiaomi looking for beta testers was posted up to the official Miui Weibo account-the popular Chinese social network-just this morning, so Miui fans don’t have much longer to go before Miui V5 is ready for the masses. That’s the hope anyway. Seeing as there’s no telling just how long it could take to beta test the new version of Miui, it might actually still be a long ways off. We’ll cross our fingers though and hope that isn’t the case. If it does end up available sooner than later, you can be sure that we’ll let you know.

At some point, literally ALL Xiaomi phones will end up getting the new Miui ROM based off of the Android kit kat firmware, at this point it’s just a matter of when. There wasn’t any mention of whether any non-Xiaomi devices will end up with Miui V5 support down the road, but we can’t imagine someone wouldn’t pick up that torch and pass it along by starting development for other phones and tablets. Miui ROMs are quite a bit different than other ROMs, as they don’t look quite like your standard Android setup. They have a nice clean and elegant design but you might not ever know it’s Android just by looking at them. If you’re interested in Miui V5, keep your eyes peeled.