AIO Smart And Pro Plans Now Include Free Unlimited International Text Messages


If you’re a customer of AIO wireless and are subscribing to one of their Smart or Pro plans, which cost users $50 and $60 respectively, the smaller wireless carrier has just added in a new feature that gives those plans some extra value. We’re talking about free international text messaging, allowing customers to send text messages internationally to 35 countries outside the U.S., at no additional cost as long as you’re on one of those higher tier plans. The free international text messaging is unlimited of course but it doesn’t include the use of sending MMS messages, so no pictures for free, sorry.

The countries included are some that you could obviously expect, with Canada, Mexico, and the UK. The free and unlimited international text messaging also extends to Colombia, Israel, Argentina, Belgium, Germany Hungary, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Australia, Malaysia, Paraguay, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Austria, China, France, Hong Kong, Greece, India, Italy, Peru, Romania, Spain, Thailand, Venezuela, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, and Switzerland. Thirty Five countries seems like a small amount, but when you look at the list of countries that T-Mobile customers can text for free(which reaches 50 total) it really isn’t that much less. The website has already been updated to show that the plans include this feature, and AIO is apparently already notifying those who are on these specific plans that they can now take advantage of the additional text messaging feature.

If you have family, friends, or anyone else you know outside the U.S. that you might contact on a frequent enough basis, this makes for good news as now you might be able to save yourself some extra cash. Although there were plenty of other ways to send free messages to the ones you love that live in other countries, for example skype messages and other apps that would use data instead of actual messaging, this new feature for free doesn’t just add benefits for those who have smartphones and the ability to use data related means of outside the country contact, it also benefits those who may still be using feature phones on AIOs network with either the Smart or Pro plan. If you already subscribe to one of them, there is no need to do anything or change something on your plan, as the feature is just now included and you can begin sending free unlimited messages immediately.