My Paid Apps shows you how much you spent on Google Play
A new app surfaced this week, called My Paid Apps. It basically shows you how much you’ve spent on Google Play (which you may not want to know). It also breaks it down by category. So you can see the amount for devices, for movies & TV, for music, for apps and more. It’s a pretty cool little app actually.
Yelp gets updated to v5.9
This week, Yelp got updated to version 5.9 on Android, and it brought along messaging to it’s Android app. And that’s about it as far as a changelog goes. But there are likely some performance fixes, stability tweaks, bug fixes, etc., in this update as well as it’s part of every update these days.
Pandora Updates with support for Pebble
Pandora also updated their Android app this week. Which the update brought along support for the Pebble. It also brought some other changes; Notifications can be cleared via Settings » Notifications » Clear History, Improved consistency of battery monitoring, Improved Bluetooth reliability when reconnecting, Fixed caller ID sometimes not displaying on outgoing calls, and Bug fixes and improvements.
Google Camera Updates to build 2.1.042
Google also updated their camera app this week to build 2.1.042, which brought along a few bug fixes after the initial release of the camera app onto the Play Store. But it now also allows you to take pictures while recording, again. The Google Camera app is available for any Android device running Android 4.4.x and higher. So if you are on KitKat you can grab it from the Play Store.
Uber launches Beta Community
This week, Uber launched a Beta community on Google+ for those that want to test out the beta version of the Uber app on Google Play. All you need to do is join the Google+ community, then make sure you opt in to be a tester, and you’ll begin getting the beta builds. It may take a couple of hours to register that you’re a beta user though.