Android Game Of The Week: Trials Frontier

If you’re looking for a great little free game to play over the weekend..or even the next week or so, look no further than Trials Frontier from Ubisoft Entertainment. This isn’t Watch Dogs but it’ll do just fine for your mobile gaming needs. Better than fine actually. Did I mention that it support the Phonejoy gamepad? Yes, it has Phonejoy support plus various other Android game controllers so if you’re not a fan of the on screen touch controls(which are actually very well developed)you can connect up a gamepad and let er’ rip. There’s lots to do here in this game, and lots to see as you fill out the map riding from level to level completing quests and tasks for the locals in town.

So what makes this game worthy of Game of The Week? Lots of gameplay for one. There’s over 50 hours of gameplay here which is utterly insane, and all of it spans over a completely huge world of lots of different race levels. The game starts off a little challenging but as you play more and more you get the hang of the controls and eventually will be better off once you get the necessary blueprints to build a better bike. You can also upgrade each bike you get by gathering the parts you need and winning races to get the cash to pay for upgrades. Gathering the parts isn’t technically needed but as the game states during play the upgrades will cost less if you have the required parts.

Do upgrades take time? yes, there is a timer on the upgrades which is kind of a let down but that is to be expected of a free game. It was either that or probably tons of obtrusive ads and a pay to win structure. Thankfully the IAP aren’t heavy handed and there is no pay to win feel at all. Everything can be achieved by playing, you just have to put in the time for progression. The characters are enduring and funny and the story is actually kind of cool. There are 9 different bikes in three separate tiers and there are Google Play Games services present complete with achievements and leaderboards. You can even ghost race your friends or random strangers from the leaderboards and try to best their times. Overall, well worth it and highly recommended, you can grab the game from the link here.