Icons, icons, get ’em while they’re hot! We got Luna, Banded Dark, Ivory, Black moonshine, and a free Voxel with every purchase! Yes, this may not be a ballpark or other sporting event, but boy do we have some nifty icons for your homescreens today. These sets range from free to just over $2 (USD), and they all look stunning! Let’s get started with Luna.
Luna is a set of icon-toppers, for those of us that are bored by the average ’tilt the shadow to the bottom right’ icon set. This pack’s icons are all circular, and look like they glow slightly, because of highlights along the edge of each icon. They each look a little 3D as well, with a ‘bezel’ along the bottom. Very clean and sophisticated, and definitely easy to discern which icon is what app’s partner, if you happen to have no labels under your apps. The set of icons is rather hefty, though not the largest we’ve seen to date, with over 750 icons, 5 free wallpapers for style complements, and an in-built request system, so if your favorite app isn’t present, you can let the developer know and get on making one for it in the next update. This one will be the priciest of the bunch today, at $2.02 (USD). Pick it up here on Google Play.
Now we have an interesting set in front of us: Banded Dark. This icon pack is monotone, with white icons across the board, and what look like ink-drawn designs, so it’s very sharp and crisp to the eye. The icons are rounded-corner, black-outlined squares. The developer of this set, Alex Miller, is also the creator of the ever-popular Influx icon set. The icons are plentiful, and the price is not, coming in at only $1.99. Go check it out on Google Play.
This next one is a weird one. Weird as in ‘this Portuguese food is weird, but I can’t stop eating it’ weird, I mean. Ivory is an icon pack from Samantha Connor, and it’s main visual cue is white, as the name probably gives away. Each icon is a white round-cornered square, with a flatly colored icon, with bright color and a nice shadow, falling to the bottom right, but not perfectly to the corner for each icon, which is nice. The dev updated the set with new icons just two days ago, on the 18th, and is receptive to user feedback. The pack is only $1.99, so go check it out, especially if you dig the look of Google Now and its flat colors and white background.
And the winner for most epic name is Black Moonshine. This icon pack screams, absolutely screams, flat at its very best. The set includes over 500 icons, over 50 full HD wallpapers (wallpaper junkies, take note), a custom clock widget to match the style, and a built in icon request system, to name a few of the great parts of the package. The pack needs no description besides my comment of astoundingly stylish, and whatever first escapes your own lips when you go see the pack on Google Play, where it’s only a cool e-dollar bill ($1 for those confused).
And free with every purchase, because this icon set is entirely free, is Voxel! It features a set of colored squares, with white (or colored, sometimes) app pictures/symbols with a classy shadow falling to the bottom left corner, 11 really nice tessellated wallpapers, to help match the icon’s styles and color themes, and a request feature inside the app itself, in case your favorite hipster (or excluded from the pack) app’s icon isn’t there. The set is almost 700 icons huge, and likely to grow with the number of popular applications. Go download this one to see if it fits your tastes, and if not, no harm done, to your homescreen, phone, or wallet.