Developer Creates Reader For Glass To Assist In Word Translation And Definition On Printed Text

Google Glass may still be in an open beta form, but more Glass apps continue to make their way into the limelight. A new application for Google Glass called Reader for Glass aims to give the ease of web connected reading to the hardbook and printed reading experience, by allowing those who are wearing Glass to search for and define words they’re reading in a printed format. This isn’t something that is really necessary when you read things off the web, because you’re already connected and you can easily do a quick search for the definitions of the things you want to learn more about. The same thing goes for translations. If you’re reading something online and don’t know the correct translation for something you can easily look it up.

With Reader for Glass, any Glass user would be able to use the application to properly translate and define words they’re unsure of when reading printed text thanks to the connected nature of Google Glass, all presumably with a voice controlled functionality like most Google Glass functions. That’s the idea at least once the app makes it to a final revision. As it stands right now the application is still in testing from the developer Jacob Funch, although he did state that he is interested in putting the app out in a beta form to specific people, likely close associates or friends we would guess, so that they can help test the app for issues and any other usability drawbacks.

The Reader for Glass app essentially would work when you highlight a specific word on the piece of printed text that you’re reading, or by pointing at it with the writing utensil that you’re holding in your hand at the time. That is assuming you have one in your hand at all. Users would start by highlighting whatever word they need details about and then wink to select it. The app will attempt to confirm with you if the word they have brought up is correct, and then users would just need to swipe their finger to the right to grab the translation and Wikipedia information about the chosen word. Naturally the app could have much more potential when it is finished and ready for release, but even in this earlier stage it already sounds pretty promising.