Google Glass is arguably the face worn wearable that has gotten the most attention, but they certainly aren’t the only option out there and if you’re looking for something that can provide you with a way to access your data in front of you and be hands free, Epson has your number with a follow up to their Moverio smartglasses, the Moverio BT-200. Some key things to note here as to why you might want to consider these over Glass, are price and availability. First things first, Google Glass is not yet available to the general public, but it has been made available through many invite programs over the span of time since the Explorer program started. Anyone had their chance to pick up a pair back on April 15th for one day only, but you would have had to cough up the same price as always, which was $1,500.
When it comes to the Epson Moverio BT-200 smartglasses, the price is significantly less than what Google Glass is costing right now, although that could change depending on what Google prices Glass at once they’re truly consumer ready and made available to purchase via store shelves. As for the new Moverio smartglasses, you’ll only be setting aside $699 to grab a pair, which in the realm of cost saves you about $800 compared to Google Glass. They’re also available now, which gives them a little bit of a head start this year on Google, who has been rumored to be shooting for an end of 2014 release window for Glass.
These two factors might be the only two things that come out ahead though. The design is especially less attractive than what Google has put together, which could be a deal breaker for many. If wearables are to become more acceptable in mainstream society and out in public, companies have to shoot for a well designed product that looks near as good as it functions. If you don’t really care about looks, you can hop on over to Epson’s website and buy a pair right now. The Moverio BT-200 will be equipped with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich out of the box, and has wifi and Bluetooth support as well as a gyroscope, an accelerometer, and a magnetic compass, come with Dolby Mobile Surround Sound and supposedly sports 6 hours of battery life according to Epson.