Gameloft Reveals New MC5 Screenshots, Will Livestream Gameplay Tomorrow On Twitch

Modern Combat 5 is still a little ways off, but it wouldn’t be too far fetched to think that Gameloft might be dropping the game in June after they show off the game some more at E3 which takes place next month. With that being said, whenever the actual release date is we can’t stop thinking about the fact that it might end up releasing for iOS first as is the case with plenty of games, but we hope that MC5 sees a simultaneous release. There are a few new details to note with Modern Combat 5 here, and of course in addition to those details we have some screen shots that were sent over by Gameloft this morning which we thought you might enjoy as much as we did.

First lets do a recap of what we know about Modern Combat 5. The game will take place in multiple locations, as the main character Phoenix, jets around the globe throughout the story, with parts of the game taking place in Venice, Tokyo, etc. We know that there will be a compelling story as is usually the case with most Modern Combat titles, and we know that there is at least one “uber-climactic” event at some point where Phoenix has a heart felt and emotional discussion with his squad members. To what degree we don’t know just yet. It was recently revealed that Modern Combat 5 would be stepping up the single-player campaign missions as well as the multiplayer mode this time around, and that cross mode character progression(unified progression)would be implemented, meaning that the experience you get from leveling up your character in single player mode, also translates over to multiplayer, and vise versa. We also know that there will be multiple character classes to choose from this time around, including Sniper, Assault, Heavy, and Recon class types, and that your class will be defined by the weapons you equip your character with.

Some new details that were just finding out are that Modern Combat 5 will not have just a Single player campaign and multiplayer modes, but will have a collection of Spec Ops missions as well. Another new detail we were able to figure out doesn’t necessarily pertain to the gameplay or the storyline itself, but it might affect how some gamers play the game. At launch Gameloft says that gamepad support may or may not be supported, they weren’t able to confirm with a yes or no, but they did state that if gamepad support was not developed into the game at launch that it would be patched in through a later update. So for anyone that was wondering, there it is. It’s not a definite answer, but at least we know that gamepad support will be there at some point whether it be immediately or down the road. Now have a gander at the screens and enjoy the awesomeness. Also, if you want to see some live action of the gameplay, tune in to Gameloft’s official Twtich live stream channel tomorrow at 10 a.m. pacific standard time and you’ll get to catch some slick gameplay footage.