Google Glass Captures Some Mother's Day Special Moments In Latest Video

Technology can be a wonderful thing. It can bring so many different emotions and feelings to the surface. Love, excitement, hate, anger, frustration, confusion, happiness, and many more. Many times it can instill a sense of joy that is as profound as anything on earth and for better or worse it’s now a huge part of our lives. Google Glass is one of the more recent technological advancements that has not only brought many of these emotions out of people, but does a perfect job at allowing people to share those emotions with others from a first person view that makes it almost like a personal experience. In fact, Google Glass sounds a lot like our relationships with our moms, because let’s face it, they can bring many of the same emotions out of us.

All jokes aside, moms are someone special and that’s precisely why they have their very own day every year. We do our best to show some appreciation in any way that we can just to remind them that we care. As we all know Mother’s Day is coming up in just a short couple of days and the Glass team has put together something special of their own just in time for it. In this recent Google Glass video posted up to the Glass YouTube Channel, a Glass toting individual shares his epic journey while making a trip home to India to visit his mom for Mother’s Day, and the entire video is shot completely with Google Glass from beginning to end. The Google Glass videos are always cool but if you haven’t seen this yet give it a watch as you can’t help but feel, happy, joyful, excited, and a sense of wonder all at the same time.

As the video progresses and comes to a close, the emotions build up and it should just bring a huge smile to your face. While Glass may not be for everyone and it has received its fair share of negativity, these are the kinds of first person Glass experiences we look forward to seeing  and wouldn’t mind getting to see videos like these over and over. Are you a Glass Explorer? If you have something epic to share, Glass encourages you to share all the joy, magic, love, passion, wonder, life etc. After having watched this, I can personally say that I have never been more interested in Glass.